
Friday, 18 September 2020

Maori Language Week

On Monday the 14th it was Moari language week.What i learnt was Moari words and colours whero is red, kikorangi is blue, kakariki is green, mangu is black, karaka is orange,Ma is white, parauri is Brown, kowhai is Yellow. I also learnt maori numbers 1 Tahi,2 Rua,3 Toru,4 Wha,5 Rima,6 Ono,7 Whitu,8 Waru,9 Iwa,10 tekau. It was fun learning maori numbers and colours and how to talk in maori.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

My Tongan Flag

on  7/09/2020 I Created a Tongan flag on Google drawing in Room 8 because it was Tongan language week, then we talked about what the red and white stands for.

white symbolizes purity, and red represents the blood of Christ.